Community tourism, integrated and participatory as a means of strengthening environmental education


  • Wilson Salas Álvarez
  • Alberto Medina León
  • Daylin Medina Nogueira
  • Raydel Valladares Rodríguez


Community-based tourism, teaching, experiential learning, participatory, integrated tourism, environmental education.


Community tourism is a model that can be institutionalized in a community with participatory and integrated action by all members and local sectors. The research focuses on the importance of environmental education for the development of community tourism with an integrated and participatory nature of all stakeholders and the community, consists of observation, field visits, literature review and experiential learning for the strengthening of knowledge in children in the transmission of the values of identity of this tourist space in the family and the community. 


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How to Cite

Salas Álvarez, W. ., Medina León, A. ., Medina Nogueira, D. ., & Valladares Rodríguez , . . R. . (2018). Community tourism, integrated and participatory as a means of strengthening environmental education. Atenas, 4(44), 92–108. Retrieved from