Peer tutoring on inclusive education in students of the National University of Education


  • Geycell Emma Guevara Fernández
  • José Ignacio Herrera Rodríguez
  • Arelys García Chávez
  • José Enrique Martínez Serra


inclusive methodological strategies, student orientation, peer tutoring


Receiving a quality education in diverse classrooms constitutes an inescapable right of the human being; however, the preparation of teachers to respond to the needs of students is a latent problem in current educational systems. Therefore, this article aims to socialize the experience at the National University of Education on peer tutoring to guide students in inclusive methodological strategies that solve cases and problems of pre-professional practice. This study was developed from the qualitative method of Participation Action Research. The participants were student-tutors of the Special Education career and tutored students of the rest of the careers. The following techniques were used: document analysis, unstructured interview, participant observation and discussion group. The main result of the tutoring activities is that the students developed competencies for the curricular and didactic organization in the classroom. In addition, it led to an attitudinal change and a new vision towards diversity, based on real experiences of inclusive education. Finally, it is concluded that peer tutoring is a powerful tool for teacher training, developing professional skills for attention to diversity.


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How to Cite

Guevara Fernández, G. E. ., Herrera Rodríguez, J. I., García Chávez, A., & Martínez Serra, J. E. . (2022). Peer tutoring on inclusive education in students of the National University of Education. Atenas, 3(59), 180–195. Retrieved from