Bioethics, a necessity in the formation of future Health Professionals


  • Alfredo Lázaro Marín Pérez
  • Nancy Toledo Santana
  • Yira Vásquez Giler
  • Ilien Alnay Marín Toledo


Bioethics, Bioethical Formation, Bioethical Competency.


The subject of this article is Bioethics and its role in the formation of future health professionals. The objective is to highlight the need to improve the bioethical formation of future health practitioners. A Spanish and English search in Medline, Ebsco, Pubmed, Hinari and Scielo was performed, showing deficiencies in the acquisition of bioethical competencies in medical career students at international level. It is stated that in medical curricula Bioethics should be dealt with as a comprehensive transverse axis.


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How to Cite

Marín Pérez, A. L., Toledo Santana, N. ., Vásquez Giler, Y. ., & Marín Toledo, I. A. (2017). Bioethics, a necessity in the formation of future Health Professionals. Atenas, 4(40), 61–72. Retrieved from