Study on teacher’s profile and training regarding inclusive education


  • María Luisa Montánchez Torres
  • Pedro Carlos Martínez Suárez
  • Andrés-Alexis Ramírez-Coronel
  • Juan Patricio Sigüenza Orellana


Study profiles, teacher training, pre-university teachers, Inclusive Education, Ecuador.


Its objective is to analyze the dimensions on 5 scales and establish their profiles based on K-Media Cluster Analysis, which would serve to contrast the equality between the averages of two or more independent populations, statistically identifying at the multivariate level differential profiles of teachers in the city of Esmeraldas (Ecuador) in view of inclusion. We conclude that there is no characteristic sample of the population that could have a profile more or less favourable to educational inclusion in general; therefore, there is a group that obtains the highest averages in the 5 scales and is the most prepared for inclusion.


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How to Cite

Montánchez Torres, M. L. ., Martínez Suárez, P. C. ., Ramírez-Coronel, A.-A., & Sigüenza Orellana, J. P. . (2022). Study on teacher’s profile and training regarding inclusive education. Atenas, 4(52), 30–47. Retrieved from