Socioformativa Rubric to evaluate Life Ethical Project


  • María Isabel Contreras-Torres
  • Laura Irene Dino-Morales
  • María de Lourdes Rodríguez-Peralta


performance, evaluation, instrument, ethical life project, rubric.


There are investigations as well as instruments that evaluate the life plan or project, but instruments that analyze and evaluate the ethical life project are lacking. Purpose: to evaluate and guide in its construction students from higher education institutions in the training of citizens of the world. Methodology: instrumental study of validity and reliability. Results: Based on the assessment of the expert judges, the analysis of the Aiken V was performed, where a coefficient of 0.83 was obtained; As for the pilot test, the reliability level of Cronbach's Alpha was 0.849; Conclusion: the instrument is reliable, pertinent and practical to evaluate and guide the ethical project of life in personal fulfillment, the improvement of living conditions and in the achievement of environmental sustainability from a socioformative approach, framed in universal values. Likewise, managers, teachers, administrators, families and students are suggested to contribute, participate, collaborate and improve from their scope to live a planetary citizenship from the local.


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How to Cite

Contreras-Torres, M. I. ., Dino-Morales, L. I. ., & Rodríguez-Peralta, M. de L. . (2022). Socioformativa Rubric to evaluate Life Ethical Project . Atenas, 4(52), 65–80. Retrieved from