Training needs for officials involved in the accessibility and mobility process in historical centers


  • Orlando Santos Pérez
  • Dianis Ramos Amaro
  • Juan Jesús Mondéjar Rodríguez
  • Maylín Marqués León


training, diagnosis, accessibility, mobility, historical centers.


The objective of this research was to identify the training needs of the officials involved in the process of integrated management of accessibility and mobility in Cuban historical centers. For this, a qualitative approach was assumed and the historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, document analysis, interview and expert method were used. The results of the diagnosis show the insufficiencies in the training actions to contribute to the performance of these officials in the absence of a structured knowledge system focused on the development of the functions of the organizations. It is recognized that attending to the problems in the pedagogical, technical and institutional dimensions contributes to the transformation of the modes of action of these professionals and, therefore, to the proper development of the management process. The identified learning needs allow the subsequent development of a training strategy.


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How to Cite

Santos Pérez, O. ., Ramos Amaro , D. ., Mondéjar Rodríguez , J. J. ., & Marqués León, M. . (2022). Training needs for officials involved in the accessibility and mobility process in historical centers. Atenas, 4(52), 147–163. Retrieved from