The integral diagnosis in Higher Education. A dynamic conception, cooperative and interventive


  • Maikel Carnero Sánchez
  • Nancy Yolanda González Domínguez


Diagnosis, higher education, dynamism, cooperation, intervention.


The article flows on the subject of the diagnosis in the educational practice, particularly a conception of integral diagnosis in higher education proposes, developed as from investigations of mastery and doctorate, fact-finding projects and the realization in practice, for its contemporary authors' systematization of definitions was essential than work the subject matter and of investigations developed by the principal author of the article of set with varied of his doctorands. This article has like fundamental intention to present education to the diagnosis like process of investigation, of investigation explanation intervention, of use of the dynamics of the formative processes, of the student prominence and the cooperation of all of the educators that they participate, that gets to the point as a result fundamental in the essential characteristics, the shows, laws and beginnings determined to his effect, the ones that they emphasize like system in the use of everything that it happens in the relational dynamicses between students, professors, tutors of the university and of the labor entities, as well as the community's factors that intervene in the formative university processes.


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How to Cite

Carnero Sánchez , M. ., & González Domínguez, N. Y. . . (2020). The integral diagnosis in Higher Education. A dynamic conception, cooperative and interventive. Atenas, 4(52), 1–16. Retrieved from