The educator in attention to the pronunciation of the child in the sixth year of life


  • Fabiola Herrera López
  • Gudelia Fernández Pérez de Alejo


Educator, attention to the pronunciation, sixth year of life.


The language in preschool childhood, in particular of children from 5 to 6 years old, is the basis for further learning. The article bases the need of the educator's preparation in the attention to the pronunciation of these infants, from the prevention and / or correction of the pronunciation disorders in the speech level. The analysis, the synthesis, the observation and the revision of the normative documents used for this task made evident the need of the knowledge that the educator must have in attention to the pronunciation of the children.


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How to Cite

Herrera López, F. ., & Fernández Pérez de Alejo, G. . (2017). The educator in attention to the pronunciation of the child in the sixth year of life. Atenas, 4(40), 121–134. Retrieved from